Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Good Compliments

For Girls
you look very pretty tooday
you smell like the scent of roses
you loook beautiful
i love the way your hair is so straight or its soo curly
i love the sense of style you got
i love your personality its very inspiring funny cool
i love the fact how you are always so happy
i love the fact when im around you make make me smile
For Guys
boy you look handsome
i love how you spiked your hair or how you left it so long
i love the way you dress
i love your 6 packs[if he had one]
i love the way you make me laugh and smile
i love how you dress its so manly
For Both
i love everything about you
when im with you you make me feel so lucky

Saturday, November 15, 2008



A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies

I saw a saw that could out saw any other saw I ever saw.

Black bug bit a big black bear. But where is the big black bear that the big black bug bit?

A big bug bit the little beetle but the little beetle bit the big bug back.

I thought, I thought of thinking of thanking you.



if a sledering snail went down a slippery slide would a snail sleder or slide down the slide- By S.Walton

bubble bobble, bubble bobble, bubble bobble

Sounding by sound is a sound method of sounding sounds.

You curse, I curse, we all curse, for asparagus!

Kacha papaya pacca papaya Kacha papaya pacca papaya Kacha papaya pacca papaya.

Double bubble gum, bubbles double.

Betty bought butter but the butter was bitter, so Betty bought better butter to make the bitter butter better.

A sailor went to sea To see, what he could see. And all he could see Was sea, sea, sea.

A box of mixed biscuits, a mixed biscuit box.

Purple Paper People, Purple Paper People, Purple Paper People

If two witches were watching two watches, which witch would watch which watch? ...sent by Richard Walsh.

Which watch did which witch wear and which witch wore which watch? ..sent by Uncle Philly (USA)

Six slippery snails, slid slowly seaward.

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!

Paresh P Patel plans to peel potatoes in Pune

An Ape hates grape cakes.

She sells sea shells on the sea shore she sells sea shells no more - By Sethna Hilla

I slit a sheet, a sheet I slit. And on a slitted sheet I sit. I slit a sheet, a sheet I slit. The sheet I slit, that sheet was it.

Any noise annoys an oyster but a noisy noise annoys an oyster more.

The owner of the inside inn was inside his inside inn with his inside outside his inside inn.

Friendly Fleas and Fire Flies

How much wood could a wood chopper chop, if a wood chopper could chop wood?

If a black bug bleeds black blood, what color blood does a blue bug bleed?

Penny's pretty pink piggy bank

One smart fellow, he felt smart. Two smart fellows, they felt smart. Three smart fellows, they all felt smart.

Black bug's blood.

Crisp crusts crackle and crunch.

It's not the cough that carries you off, it's the coffin they carry you off in!

Tie a knot, tie a knot.
Tie a tight, tight knot.
Tie a knot in the shape of a nought.

Freshly-fried fat flying fish

Rubber baby-buggy bumpers.

Jolly juggling jesters jauntily juggled jingling jacks.

Kindly kittens knitting mittens keep kazooing in the king's kitchen.

The sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick.

Swan swam over the sea,

Swim, swan, swim!
Swan swam back again
Well swum, swan!

A skunk sat on a stump and thunk the stump stunk,
but the stump thunk the skunk stunk.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Tips for Better Life

Tips for Better Life

1. Take a 10-30 minutes walk every day. And while you walk, smile.

2. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.

3. Sleep for at least 7 hours.

4. Live with the 3 E's -- Energy, Enthusiasm, and Empathy.

5. Play more games.

6. Read more books than you did last year.

7. Make time to practice meditation, yoga, and prayer. They provide us with daily fuel for our busy lives.

8. Spend time with people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6.

9. Dream more while you are awake.

10. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants.

11. Drink plenty of water.

12. Try to make at least three people smile each day.

13. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip.

14. Forget issues of the past. Don't remind your partner with his / her mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present happiness.

15. Don't have negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.

16. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.

17. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar.

18. Smile and laugh more.

19. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don't hate others.

20. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.

21. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

22. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present.

23. Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about. Don't compare your partner with others'.

24. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.

25. Forgive every one for every thing.

26. What other people think of you is none of your business.

27. GOD heals everything.

28. However good or bad a situation is -- it will change.

29. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Friends will. Stay in touch. . .

30. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.

31. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.

32. The best is yet to come.

33. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.

34. Do the right thing !

35. Call your family often.

36. Your Inner most is always happy. So, be happy.

37. Each day give something good to others.

38. Don't over do. Keep your limits.

39. When you awake alive in the morning, thank GOD for it.

40. Please Forward this to everyone you care about.


History of Samurai with some famous quotes


Samurai the term for the military nobility of . The word samurai is derived from the archaic Japanese verb samorau, changed to saburau, meaning "to serve"; thus, a samurai is a servant, i.e. the servant of a lord.


It is believed warriors and foot-soldiers in the sixth century may have formed a proto-samurai class. Following a disastrous military engagement with Tang China and Silla, Japan underwent widespread reforms. One of the most important was that of the Taika Reform, issued by Prince Naka no Ōe (Emperor Tenji) in 646 AD. This edict introduced Chinese cultural practices and administrative techniques throughout the Japanese aristocracy and bureaucracy[1]. As part of the Taihō Code, of 702 AD and the later Yōrō Code, the population was required to report regularly for census, which was used as a precursor for national conscription. With an understanding of how the population was distributed, Emperor Mommu introduced the law whereby 1 in 3–4 adult males were drafted into the national military. These soldiers were required to supply their own weapons, and in return were exempted from duties and taxes. This was one of the first attempts by the Imperial government to form an organized army modelled after the Chinese system. It was called gundan-sei by later historians and is believed to have been short lived.

The Taihō Code classified Imperial bureaucrats into 12 ranks, each divided into two sub-ranks, 1st rank being the highest adviser to the emperor. Those of 6th rank and below were referred to as "samurai" and dealt with day-to-day affairs. Although these "samurai" were civilian public servants, the name is believed to have derived from this term. Military men, however, would not be referred to as "samurai" for many more centuries.

In the early Heian period, the late 8th and early 9th centuries, Emperor Kammu ( sought to consolidate and expand his rule in northern Honshū, but the armies he sent to conquer the rebellious Emishi people lacked motivation and discipline, and were unable to prevail. Emperor Kammu introduced the title of Seiitaishogun ( or shogun, and began to rely on the powerful regional clans to conquer the Emishi. Skilled in mounted combat and archery (kyūdō), these clan warriors became the emperor's preferred tool for putting down rebellions. Although these warriors may have been educated, at this time (7th to 9th century) the Imperial court officials considered them to be little more than barbarians.

Ultimately, Emperor Kammu disbanded his army, and from this time, the emperor's power gradually declined . While the emperor was still the ruler, powerful clans around Kyoto assumed positions as ministers, and their relatives bought positions as magistrates. To amass wealth and repay their debts, magistrates often imposed heavy taxes, resulting in many farmers becoming landless.

As the threat of robbery rose, the clans began recruiting these exiles in the Kanto plains. Because of their intense training in the martial arts, they proved to be effective guards. Small numbers would accompany tax collectors and, merely by their presence, deter thieves and bandits from attacking. They were saburai, armed retainers, yet their advantage of being the sole armed party quickly became apparent.

Through protective agreements and political marriages, they accumulated political power, eventually surpassing the traditional aristocracy.

Some clans were originally formed by farmers who had taken up arms to protect themselves from the imperial magistrates sent to govern their lands and collect taxes. These clans formed alliances to protect themselves against more powerful clans, and by the mid-Heian period they had adopted characteristic Japanese armour and weapons, and laid the foundations of Bushido, their ethical code.[citation needed] However, Bushido was never a code of ethics per se, and only in the late nineteenth, early twentieth century did the term gain popular currency.[citation needed]

For most of samurai history, warriors described themselves as followers of "kyuba no michi," or the "way of the bow and horse," and had no overlying code of ethics to which they were beholden.[citation needed] To be sure, samurai were expected to comport themselves in a certain manner, but any specific points of behavior would have been limited to family or clan teachings.[citation needed]

Before the 14th century, samurai were generally illiterate, rusticated brutes; they did, however, aspire to the more cultured abilities of the nobility.[citation needed] Few achieved this until later periods, however. Examples such as Taira Tadanori (a samurai who appears in the Heike Monogatari or "Tale of the Heike") demonstrate that some warriors did respect the arts and aspire to become skilled in them; Tadanori is famous for his skill with the pen, indicating that it was rare for a samurai to possess such skill as to be recognized for it.[citation needed]

Beginning around the fourteenth century, samurai were expected to be cultured and literate, and the ancient saying "Bun Bu Ryo Do" (文武両道, lit. literary arts, military arts, both ways) or "The pen and the sword in accord," was an ideal to which many aspired. However, the number of men who actually achieved the ideal and lived their lives by it was low. Few warriors had the time or inclination to dedicate their already difficult lives to such pursuits.

An early term for warrior, "uruwashii", was written with a kanji that combined the characters for literary study ("bun" ) and military arts ("bu" ), and is mentioned in the Heike Monogatari (late 12th century). The Heike Monogatari makes reference to the educated poet-swordsman ideal in its mention of Taira no Tadanori's death:

"Friends and foes alike wet their sleeves with tears and said, 'What a pity! Tadanori was a great general, pre-eminent in the arts of both sword and poetry.' "

According to William Scott Wilson in his book Ideals of the Samurai: "The warriors in the Heike Monogatari served as models for the educated warriors of later generations, and the ideals depicted by them were not assumed to be beyond reach. Rather, these ideals were vigorously pursued in the upper echelons of warrior society and recommended as the proper form of the Japanese man of arms. With the Heike Monogatari, the image of the Japanese warrior in literature came to its full maturity." Wilson then translates the writings of several warriors who mention the Heike Monogatari as an example for their men to follow.

It is necessary to remember, however, that the Heike warriors are men fictionalized by a fourteenth century dramatist, and the tales about such warriors had been modified for centuries before the Tale of the Heike was actually written down.

Thus, while we can, if careful, see some of how warriors behaved in literary sources, the actual behavior of early samurai is difficult to glean from literature alone.

Emperor Meiji abolished the samurai's right to be the only armed force in favor of a more modern, western-style, conscripted army in 1873. Samurai became Shizoku (士族) who retained some of their salaries, but the right to wear a katana in public was eventually abolished along with the right to execute commoners who paid them disrespect.

The samurai finally came to an end after hundreds of years of enjoyment of their status, their powers, and their ability to shape the government of Japan. However, the rule of the state by the military class was not yet over.

In defining how a modern Japan should be, members of the Meiji government decided to follow the footsteps of United Kingdom and Germany, basing the country on the concept of "noblesse oblige." Samurai were not to be a political force under the new order.

With the Meiji reforms in the late 19th century, the samurai class was abolished, and a western-style national army was established. The Imperial Japanese Armies were conscripted, but many samurai volunteered to be soldiers and many advanced to be trained as officers. Much of the Imperial Army officer class was of samurai origin and they were highly motivated, disciplined and exceptionally trained.

The last samurai conflict was arguably in 1877, during the Satsuma Rebellion in the Battle of Shiroyama. This conflict had its genesis in the previous uprising to defeat the Tokugawa Shogunate, leading to the Meiji Restoration.

The newly formed government instituted radical changes, aimed at reducing the power of the feudal domains, including Satsuma, and the dissolution of samurai status. This led to the ultimately premature uprising, led by Saigō Takamori.

Samurai were many of the early exchange students, not directly because they were samurai, but because many samurai were literate and well-educated scholars. Some of these exchange students started private schools for higher educations, while many samurai took pens instead of guns and became reporters and writers, setting up newspaper companies, and others entered governmental service.

Only the name Shizoku existed after that. After Japan lost the World War II, the name Shizoku disappeared under the law on January 1, 1948.

Here are ten famous samurai sayings that bear on the theme of the primacy of the mind, translated from the Japanese by Minoru Kiyota, kendo teacher and Professor of Buddhist Studies.

Ten Samurai Sayings -

  1. Duel 'One finds life through conquering the fear of death within one's mind. Empty the mind of all forms of attachment, make a go-for-broke charge and conquer the opponent with one decisive slash.' - Togo Shigekata.
  2. Stance. 'An effective stance is to be attached neither to the opponent's sword nor to one's own sword.' - Yagyu Toshiyoshi.
  3. Mental Calm. 'The undisturbed mind is like the calm body water reflecting the brilliance of the moon. Empty the mind and you will realize the undisturbed mind.'
    - Yagyu Jubei.
  4. Mental Evenness. 'To be swayed neither by the opponent nor by his sword is the essence of swordsmanship.' - Miyamoto Musashi.
  5. Self. 'Conqueror the self and you will conquer the opponent.' - Takuan Soho.
  6. The Immoveable Mind. 'The mind unmoved by external distraction produces physical mobility.' - Yagyu Renyasai.
  7. Tricks, Feints and Schemes. 'The hands manipulate the sword, the mind manipulates the hands. Cultivate the mind and do not be deceived by tricks, feints and schemes. They are the properties of a magician, not of the samurai..' - Saito Yakuro.
  8. Maturity. 'Mental bearing (calmness), not skill, is the sign of a matured samurai. A samurai therefore should neither be pompous nor arrogant.' - Tsukahara Bokuden.
  9. Peace. 'Conquering evil, not the opponent, is the essence of swordsmanship.' - Yagyu Munenori.
  10. Samurai Character. 'An unpolished crystal does not shine; an undisciplined samurai does not have brilliance. A samurai therefore should cultivate his mind.' - Anonymous.
A Samurai's Saying -

The Way is a natural way of the Universe, and to learn it, one must revere
Heaven, love man, and live one's life from first to last in self-control.'
- This saying by Saigo Takamori was much valued by Omori.

Famous War and Warrior Quotes

Famous War and Warrior Quotes

"An eye for an eye only makes the whole world blind." Mahatma Gandhi

"All they that take the sword, shall perish with the sword." The Bible

"All war represents a failure of diplomacy." Tony Benn

" All warfare is based on deception." Sun Tzu

"I worshipped dead men for their strength, forgetting I was strong." - Vita Sackville-West

"Nothing is so strong as gentleness. Nothing is so gentle as real strength." - Frances de Sales

"To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace." - General George Washington

"He Who Knows Others Is Wise. He Who Knows Himself Is Enlightened." - Tao Te Ching

"Without Knowledge, Skill cannot be focused. Without Skill, Strength cannot be brought to bear and without Strength, Knowledge may not be applied." - Alexander the Great's Chief Physician

"Act like a man of thought - Think like a man of action." - Thomas Mann

“Silence is a friend who will never betray.”

“He who conquers himself is the mightiest warrior.

"It is a brave act of valor to condemn death, but where life is more terrible than death it is then the truest valor to dare to live." - Sir Thomas Brown

"Your work is to discover your work and then with all your heart to give yourself to it." - Buddha .

"Vive la mort, vive la guerre, vive le sacre mercenaire." ("Long live death, long live war, long live the cursed mercenary.") - Mercenary marching cadence and toast.

"One mind, any weapon." - Hunter B. Armstrong

"Civilize the mind but make savage the body." - Chairman Mao

"Unless you do your best, the day will come when, tired and hungry, you will halt just short of the goal you were ordered to reach, and by halting you will make useless the efforts and deaths of thousands." - Gen. George S. Patton

"I seek not only to follow in the footsteps of the men of old, I seek the things they sought."

"That which doesn't kill me, will make me stronger!"

"We do not rise to the level of our expectations. We fall to the level of our training"

“The Master said, Yu, shall I tell you what knowledge is? When you know a thing, to know that you know it, and when you do not know a thing, to recognize that you do not know it. That is knowledge.”

"I have a high art, I hurt with cruelty those who would damage me." - Archilocus, 650 B.C.

“I have not seen one who loves virtue as he loves beauty.”

"Where do you begin? Perfect is a good place to start. We must always focus on improving things that are already perfect." - J. Viol

"We make war that we may live in peace." - Aristotle

- “In antiquity men studied for their own sake; nowadays men study for the sake of impressing others.”

"Self-respect is the fruit of discipline." - Abraham J. Heschel

- “To be able under all circumstances to practice five things constitutes perfect virtue; these five things are gravity, generosity of soul, sincerity, earnestness, and kindness.”

"Fear is the true opiate of combat."

"Given enough time, any man may master the physical. With enough knowledge, any man may become wise. It is the true warrior who can master both....and surpass the result." - Tien T'ai

“The true gentleman does not preach what he practices till he has practiced what he preaches.”

“By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and Third, by experience, which is the bitterest.”

"The test of a good teacher is not how many questions he can ask his pupils that they will answer readily, but how many questions he inspires them to ask him which he finds it hard to answer.

“It is goodness that gives to a neighborhood its beauty. One who is free to choose, yet does not prefer to dwell among the good — how can he be accorded the name of wise?”

- “The Way is not for, but from, man; if we take the Way as something superhuman, beyond man, this is not the real Way.”

“But if you do not have the Tao yourself, what business have you spending your time in vain efforts to bring corrupt politicians into the right path?”

“The gentleman has nine cares. In seeing he is careful to see clearly; in hearing he is careful to hear distinctly; in his looks he is careful to be kind, in his manner to be respectful, in his words to be sincere, in his work to be diligent. When in doubt he is careful to ask for information; when angry he has a care for the consequences; and when he sees a chance for gain, he thinks carefully whether the pursuits of it would be right.”

"To a real warrior, power perceived may be power achieved."

“Study without reflection is a waste of time; reflection without study is dangerous.” "You must concentrate upon and consecrate yourself wholly to each day, as though a fire were raging in your hair." - Taisen Deshimaru

Subhash Chandra Bose Quotes

Subhash Chandra Bose Quotes

As soldiers, you will always have to cherish and live up to the three ideals of faithfulness, duty and sacrifice. Soldiers who always remain faithful to their nation, who are always prepared to sacrifice their lives, are invincible. If you, too, want to be invincible, engrave these three ideals in the innermost core of your hearts.

~ Subhash Chandra Bose Quotes

Give me blood and I shall give you freedom!

~ Subhash Chandra Bose Quotes

Gird up your loins for the task that now lies ahead. I had asked you for men, money and materials. I have got them in generous measure. Now I demand more of you. Men, money and materials cannot by themselves bring victory or freedom. We must have the motive-power that will inspire us to brave deeds and heroic exploits.

~ Subhash Chandra Bose Quotes

I have no doubt in my mind that our chief national problems relating to the eradication of poverty, illiteracy and disease and the scientific production and distribution can be tackled only along socialistic lines.

~ Subhash Chandra Bose Quotes

Nationalism is inspired by the highest ideals of the human race, satyam [the true], shivam [the god], sundaram [the beautiful]. Nationalism in India has ... roused the creative faculties which for centuries had been lying dormant in our people.

~ Subhash Chandra Bose Quotes

It is our duty to pay for our liberty with our own blood. The freedom that we shall win through our sacrifice and exertions, we shall be able to preserve with our own strength.

~ Subhash Chandra Bose Quotes

No real change in history has ever been acheived by discussions.

~ Subhash Chandra Bose Quotes

We should have but one desire today ? the desire to die so that India may live ? the desire to face a martyr's death, so that the path to freedom may be paved with the
martyr's blood.

List of Famous Acronyms

List of Famous Acronyms

Acronym Meaning
AFAIC As far as I care
As far as I'm concerned
AFAIK As far as I know
AFAIR As far as I recall
As far as I remember
AFK Away from keyboard
ASL? Age, sex, location?
AYH? Are you high
AYBABTU All your base are belong to us
BBIAB Be back in a bit
BBL Be back later
BFD Big f*cking deal
BRB Be right back or Bath-room break
BRT Be right there
BTW By the way
CSWS Can't Stop, Won't Stop
CU See you
CUL See you later
CYA See you
CYS Check your settings
DIAF Die in a fire
FAQ Frequently asked questions
FFS For f*ck's sake
FOAD F*ck off and die
FWIW For what it's worth
FTL For the loss
FTW For the win
FYI For your information
G2G / GTG Got to go
GAGF Go and get f*cked
GAL Get a life
GFY Good for you
Go f*ck yourself
GG Good game
Good going
GIYF Google is your friend
GTFO Get the f*ck out
HAND Have a nice day
HTH Hope this helps
IACL I am currently laughing
IANAL I am not a lawyer
IANARS I am not a rocket scientist
IC I see
ICYDK In case you didn't know
IDGI I don't get it
IIRC If I recall correctly
ILY or ILU I love you
IMO In my opinion
IMHO In my honest opinion
In my humble opinion
IMNSHO In my not so honest opinion
In my not so humble opinion
IRL In real life
ITT In this thread
IYDMMA If you don't mind me asking
JFGI Just f*cking google it
JJ, JP, or JK Just joking
Just playing
Just kidding
JOOC Just out of curiosity
LLAH Laughing like a Hyena
LMAO Laughing my ass off
LMFAO Laughing my f*cking ass off
LOL or LQTM Laugh out loud(Loche in French), Laugh quietly to myself
KL Abbreviated form of "kool" or "cool." Can also be a question, meaning "Are you ok?"'
MOFO Mother F*cker"
MYOB Mind your own business
NVM Never mind
NOYB None of your business
NP No problem
NSFW Not Safe For Work
NWS Not Work Safe
NLS Not Life Safe
OIC Oh, I see
OJ Only Joking
OMG Oh my God
OMFG Oh my f*cking God
OMFL Oh my f*cking lag
OP Original Poster or Original Post
OT Off topic
PEBKAC Problem exists between the keyboard and the chair
PFO Please f*ck off
PITA Pain in the ass
POS Piece of sh*t
PPL People
PTTL Pop to the loo
RL Real life
ROFL Rolling on the floor laughing
ROFLMAO Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
ROFLMAOL Rolling on the floor laughing my ass out loud
RTFA/M Read the f*cking Article / Manual
SO Significant other
SOS Same old sh*t
SSDD Same sh*t, different day
STFU Shut the f*ck up
TIA Thanks in advance
TTFN Ta ta for now
TYT Take your time
TTYL Talk to you later
TTYT Talk to you tomorrow
TY Thank you
WB Welcome back
WDUWTA? What do you want to talk about?
WOOT We own our team
WTF? What the fuck?
WTH? What the hell?
WURSC Wow, you are so cool
YCM You copied me
YMMV Your mileage may vary
YW You're welcome
YSVW You're so very welcome

All for One and One for All